Thank you very much for just immediately posting my request. You are so fast and on time before I visit mac today :DThey all look soo prettty, especiially lipsticks. I will check the macs and I will regret we dont have gosh here in Turkey. So you don’t like shimmery glosses, like dazzles?Thanks again :))Berna
HiI currently have the free vireson installed but when I look at the results it’s giving me the results for all the questionnaires completed merged together with an average score as opposed to the invidivual results I need for each person who completes the questionnaire. Is it possible to have them individually please? In the user data section of the results page entitled users answers if two people have completed the questionnaire it will give me both their responses but without identifying who said what and then at the bottom of the results page it will list both email addresses from the people the completed the questionnaire an average score from all their answers and the ip address of the last person to complete the questionnaire along with the tme and date they completed it.Also for some reason even though the box is checked it isn’t sending results to my admin email address.Thank you very much for your help!Sharon