No books should be banned, neither the Koran, nor Mein Kampf, nor the Communist Manifesto, as long as Spain claims to be a democracy. The Pakistani gentleman may be an apostate from Islam, but he's obviously not an apostate from Pakistani culture.I prefer to be able to be allowed to read whatever I wish to read. If I wasn't allowed to read the Koran myself, instead of just relying on reading MSM's officially sanctioned and benevolent interpretations of its "peace and tolerance", then I couldn't honestly be opposed to just about everything that's written in the Koran.
Cyril Pearson / My PC has this problem and I folwloed the procedure listed here. On reboot the computer crashed and I had to go to the last best known configuration to boot up. The named filters are now missing from the regedit page, but are there if I access it via the search for file facility.Will soon shoot it or me!! One of us has to go!!