Being on a non-premier carrier has it’s betneifs. My T-Mobile HD7 received the March update in March and it is pretty darn good. I can’t believe how much faster the marketplace is now and I haven’t have the need to reboot my phone in more than two weeks.MS deserves some of the blame for this, but until they have that 25% market share, I don’t think they are going to get the carrier respect that Apple does. Eithery you accept it and persevere or you move to a different platform. I would like things to be different, but now that I have the update, I am feeling much better about all of it.Now if only Mango was out. Oh well, plenty of time to whine and moan about that.
Being on a non-premier carrier has it’s betneifs. My T-Mobile HD7 received the March update in March and it is pretty darn good. I can’t believe how much faster the marketplace is now and I haven’t have the need to reboot my phone in more than two weeks.MS deserves some of the blame for this, but until they have that 25% market share, I don’t think they are going to get the carrier respect that Apple does. Eithery you accept it and persevere or you move to a different platform. I would like things to be different, but now that I have the update, I am feeling much better about all of it.Now if only Mango was out. Oh well, plenty of time to whine and moan about that.